Xxxii. I’d rather have the right things Than all the things there are, Since in the pile I’d never find What I was looking for.
This is from a four page document of, to date, 33 pithy poems. Many are even shorter than this.
I only have a provisional definition of a maxim — “maxims” is what I call this ongoing document of pith — which is: a maxim is a short, complete, useful thought.
They don’t have to be in rhyme and meter though some of them are. Others are overtly businesslike—extremely unpoetic but still useful and complete.
I really keep the document for myself primarily… I prefer to send you more than two lines of poetry when I write, so only some of these maxims will likely ever make it off my desk.
I thought of this one when I was cleaning my cluttered kitchen.
I was having trouble finding space for some pots. I cleared out a drawer for them, and there, squished into the bottom, were two placemats that I had thought lost. I had been prevented from seeing them by a pile of things I didn’t need or want.
It’s better to have a restrained number of objects. I have too many for my small apartment. I probably spend more time looking for my stuff than I spend using it.
Beats: 3343
Rhymes: slant abab
Well, that was fun! And so true - will you be delving into why we are acquiring so much stuff?